Thursday, March 22, 2018

One last snow day.

I had kind of envisioned pictures of flowers and sunshine from here on out, but we were surprised with a snow storm two days into spring! While I would much rather start wearing dresses and seeing the cherry blossoms, it was kind of fun to play in the snow for one last time this year (this has to be the last one right?)
 photo IMG_7797_zpsivdon16s.jpg  photo IMG_7773_zps7uohsgav.jpg  photo IMG_7817_zps36h8edfj.jpg  photo IMG_7829_zpsu3cvhymj.jpg  photo IMG_7834_zpste7qux5e.jpg  photo IMG_7855_zpspqbpzwvo.jpg  photo IMG_7873_zpshg3hccmi.jpg

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