Welp, I meant to post this like three weeks ago, but here we
Development/Milestones: We officially have
a crawler! It's a combination of being the cutest and
most nerve-wracking thing. I love seeing her explore and get around
by herself, but I've also never been more aware of all things in our
house that aren't baby-friendly. Hazel has also continued to find her
voice and is saying things like "da-da", "ga-ga", and
"ba-ba" regularly. She also waves hello and goodbye on cue, knows
what we mean when we say "no" and is growing like a weed. At her
9 month appointment she weighed 20lbs and her head is in the 98th
percentile - hilarious!
Eating: She has started really enjoying solid foods and
we're giving her more stuff that isn't pureed. She's able to use her
pincher fingers to grab small bites and is becoming more independent
with feeding herself.
Sleeping: Still a great sleeper! I'll say it till the day we die, WE ARE
Likes and Demeanor: She's definitely becoming more opinionated and Aaron
and I have joked that parents always say "they are developing a
personality" when really they mean their child is being SASSY. I have to
say, I really like that we have a strong, spirited girl and I hope she remains
this way. Other than her developing "personality" she is still
content most of the time. She definitely still loves to be held, and I find
that she's the most calm when I'm carrying her around.