Hazel will be 3 months old on Saturday! I know I'll be saying this for the rest of my life, but time continues to fly by. These past few weeks have been some of my favorite since she's been born, and we've established such a sweet routine while I've been on leave. Some of my favorite moments with her are right after she wakes up and I bring her into the big bed for some morning cuddles. It's an added bonus that we have matching pajamas (you would roll your eyes at the amount of pictures of this on my iPhone). She's such a content, happy baby and will cuddle with just about anyone. We continue to fall more and more in love with her and are SO glad she's ours to keep.
Here's a little breakdown of our little Hazel at 3 months old . . .
Development/Milestones: She laughed for the first time last week and it was music to my ears! It was a true belly laugh and it was a moment I'll remember for the rest of my life. We were taking the pictures below and she must have thought it was the funniest thing (get used to it, kid). What an honor to watch someone laugh for the first time on Earth. Gosh, this motherhood thing!
Eating: Still eating every 3-4 hours except through the night when she goes longer. Aaron tried feeding her a bottle last weekend and she was not a fan. We're going to have to work on that since I'm going back to work and she'll be heading to daycare.
Sleeping: She's still sleeping through the night and we are SO grateful. Fingers crossed this continues! We've started noticing her getting tired earlier, which is a little sad because Aaron wants to spend time with her in the evenings. We'll take the full night of sleep, though. Keep it up, girl!
Likes and Demeanor: Such a happy and calm baby! I can put her down to play / hang out by herself and she doesn't mind one bit. Her main hang up is still the car - especially at night when she's alone in the back and it's dark. Otherwise, it's just small fussiness here and there but nothing out of the ordinary.